Chronicles of the twenty +++
Yeah.... finally set up my 'music' blog....
actually got it up some days ago le..
but that time was using some to host my music... but the stupid website doesn't allow me to upload my mp3 even though there's a upload function there.. hmmm....

so bo bian have to copy and paste the already available script over there to my blog.. and that marks my first step to reformatting my comp.. haha
long story... suan le.. now everything back to normal.
Just that i've lost all my good website links in the favourite folder le.. sigh...

Now i've found a simpler way to play music on blog le.. that's to upload music to a hosting website from then just copy 1 simple line code to my template and voila..... the music goes on... hahah
no more stupid scripts.. so ma fan.

So there you go, the first song with lyrics on my blog, nice song :)


虽然你脾气坏 对待朋友又差
凸槌又更爱牵拖 佳在你遇到我
不爱计较的我 算你坏人有好命
我走路你坐车 你吃饭我洗碗
你被欺负我拼命 若为了爽到你
可以艰苦到我 因为 咱缘分不可散
有你 我才未孤单 有你的陪伴 我才有靠山
你若不爽 我是你的垃圾车
每天 听你的心声 有你 我才未孤单
有你的陪伴 我才有靠山 你若欢喜
我是你的垃圾车 每天 听你唱歌
爱情有影伤肝 想到我就会惊
亲像热天洗温泉 头晕目暗的我
爱到整身躯汗 我 欢喜又搁甘愿 给你快活
Anonymous Anonymous said...
iwebmusic need u to convert ur mp3 to wma formatt.. u need to have the programme to convert. u can try download from this programe call dBpowerAMP Music Converter...

as for, there are pros and cons esp the bandwidth.. people always 'steal' bandwidth... esp thr.

best is to find some host like and set up ur own website.. u can host up ur mp3s or watever there and use the links into your blog scripts.

blogger command for embeding of songs. < embed src="urlink" >